slightly open laptop emitting colorful light

Using Technology to Alleviate Student Stress

animated flower swaying in lily pond on computer screen

EDUCAUSE recently published an article by Jill Anderson called “Out of Crisis, Compassion: Using Instructional Technologies to Alleviate Student Stress.” This article points out how professors have upped their technology skills not just to move content into the online environment, but to extend compassion to their students. The article defines compassion as “sympathetic consciousness of…Continue Reading Using Technology to Alleviate Student Stress

Encouraging Help-Seeking Behavior

How Can You Encourage Students to Use Help Resources? As you prepare your materials for spring term, consider how you incorporate student resources and what language you use to encourage help-seeking behavior with your students. Taking steps to support awareness of available student resources is especially useful in the remote teaching format. The FCLT’s surveys…Continue Reading Encouraging Help-Seeking Behavior

Orienting Your Students to Online Learning

Your course design can orient students to online learning  Even though fall courses have begun, the job of orienting students to learning online takes ongoing effort. Good course design that is easy to navigate can improve student retention and success. Here are some suggestions on how to build orienting elements into your courses.   Orienting…Continue Reading Orienting Your Students to Online Learning