Today I will be showing you how to quickly and easily migrate any of your captioned videos from Canvas Studio to alternate video hosting platform. It’s no secret that at Mt. SAC we have access to several different video recording and hosting platforms. Canvas Studio, Screencast-O-Matic, and 3C Media immediately come to mind. Additionally, there…Continue Reading How-to: Migrate your Captioned Videos from Canvas Studio
Tag: videos
Want Students To Watch Your Videos?

At InstructureCon 2021 , I attended Kona Jones’s session, How to Get Students to Watch Your Videos. I’m a big fan of Kona’s. She is Director of the Teaching & Learning Center at Richland Community College in Decatur, IL, adjunct professor of Statistics and formerly of Developmental Psychology, and a Canvas Community Coach. I’ve attended her…Continue Reading Want Students To Watch Your Videos?
Storing and Sharing Zoom Recordings Long-term
Hosting Zoom Recordings on Platforms We now have quite a collection of video tools that can host Zoom video content. These all involve a few steps but are pretty easy to accomplish. Which one you use may depend on a few factors: which tool you prefer, how you want to manage captions, and what you…Continue Reading Storing and Sharing Zoom Recordings Long-term
Can I show a movie in my online class?
Every so often, we get this question. Perhaps more people wonder about this, especially in the online environment. When I say movies, I’m not talking about the videos you created or freely available stuff on the open web from sites like YouTube,, or Vimeo, etc. (though I’ll talk about that toward the end so…Continue Reading Can I show a movie in my online class?