slightly open laptop emitting colorful light

Meet the Redesigned Discussions & Announcements in Canvas

Canvas panda waving and saying Before You Log Off... Canvas Discussions & Announcements: New Look, New Features

Canvas Discussions and Announcements have a new look and new features. You can enable them now in a sandbox to try them out. But don’t worry; if you enable the redesign, updates will automatically be applied to any previous discussions and announcements. You will not lose any posts or replies. Things will just look a…Continue Reading Meet the Redesigned Discussions & Announcements in Canvas

Make Group Projects Easier with Pronto

Pronto logo over diverse students' hands collaborating on laptop

Do you ask students to work together on any type of course project? Then you should check out Pronto! This versatile and simple tool flexibly supports group coordination and helps you manage group projects. Peer collaboration is a great practice in all types of classes, but Canvas doesn’t have the greatest tools to support group…Continue Reading Make Group Projects Easier with Pronto

RSI Round-Up: Part 2

In RSI Round-Up: Part 1, I highlighted a few previous blog posts. In our transition from our old blog platform to Edublogs, some posts hadn’t been marked as RSI. Below, I’m including additional blog posts that we’ve written about RSI topics. What’s a new-to-you RSI strategy that you’d like to try? Did we miss one…Continue Reading RSI Round-Up: Part 2

Accessibility & Video in Online Math Courses

I recently attended two sessions by the Online Network of Educators (@ONE): one on accessibility for online math courses and the other on using video in online math courses. There were lots of great resources and tools shared at these sessions which I’ll highlight below. Students First! Accessibility for STEM (Math) This session was led…Continue Reading Accessibility & Video in Online Math Courses

Student Connect: Virtual Appointment Booking Using Canvas

Are you tired of the hassle of scheduling 1-on-1 appointments with your students through email? Look no further, as Student Connect has got you covered! The FCLT has recently introduced the LTI tool “Student Connect” into Canvas, which makes booking virtual appointments with teachers more convenient for students. Many of you might remember that our…Continue Reading Student Connect: Virtual Appointment Booking Using Canvas

Worth 1,000 Words: Image Tips & Resources

collage of diverse students

I love using imagery to bring content to life, and I’m so grateful for the plethora of free resources available these days. In this post, I will highlight image tips and resources with considerations not only for aesthetics but also for accessibility and DEISA∞. Image Tips from @ONE Watch this Byte-Sized Canvas video from @ONE’s…Continue Reading Worth 1,000 Words: Image Tips & Resources

News Bytes Weekly | Issue 6

WHAT’S INSIDE THIS ISSUE?  Find out Fridays: What, Why and How? OER 101  Canvas In-Line Help/Easier Access to Canvas Support  Blog Spotlight: Creating Collaborative Moments that Engage Students   Appointments for Instructional Design Help  In Case You Missed It  1. FIND OUT FRIDAYS: WHAT, WHY AND HOW? OER 101  Join Monika Chavez this Friday, 10/28 at…Continue Reading News Bytes Weekly | Issue 6

News Bytes Weekly | Issue 5

WHAT’S INSIDE THIS ISSUE?  Accreditation Forum: Distance Learning & RSI  New Accessibility Tool in Canvas! Alternative Formats  Easier Access to Canvas Support  Discussion Alternative: Perusall + OpenStax Texts  Blog Spotlight: Pope Tech – Expand your Accessibility Arsenal  Appointments for Instructional Design Help  In Case You Missed It  1. ACCREDITATION FORUM: DISTANCE LEARNING & RSI  Join…Continue Reading News Bytes Weekly | Issue 5

News Bytes Weekly | Issue 4

WHAT’S INSIDE THIS ISSUE?  Find out Fridays! OER Workshop 10/14  DEI Workgroup Opportunity  FCLT News Bytes Blog  Blog Spotlight: Want Students to Watch Your Videos?  Appointments for Instructional Design Help  In Case You Missed It …Continue Reading News Bytes Weekly | Issue 4