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Free Access to The Chronicle of Higher Education

magnified view of Sign In link on The Chronicle of Higher Education

Did you know that as a Mt. SAC employee, you have full access to The Chronicle of Higher Education? That’s right! Mt. SAC has a site license, so all employees have 100% free access. According to The Chronicle’s FAQ page, [our] site license includes access to: The Chronicle’s content, daily news, and data. Articles and essays dating…Continue Reading Free Access to The Chronicle of Higher Education

Take Advantage of our Mt. SAC EDUCAUSE Membership!

EDUCAUSE is the leading nonprofit organization on technology in higher education with over 85,000 members from over 2,000 educational institutions. And Mt. SAC is an EDUCAUSE member! What does that mean for you? That’s what this post is about! What does EDUCAUSE offer to faculty? EDUCAUSE offers training, informative reporting, and programs that support technological…Continue Reading Take Advantage of our Mt. SAC EDUCAUSE Membership!