slightly open laptop emitting colorful light

News Bytes Weekly | Issue 6

WHAT’S INSIDE THIS ISSUE?  Find out Fridays: What, Why and How? OER 101  Canvas In-Line Help/Easier Access to Canvas Support  Blog Spotlight: Creating Collaborative Moments that Engage Students   Appointments for Instructional Design Help  In Case You Missed It  1. FIND OUT FRIDAYS: WHAT, WHY AND HOW? OER 101  Join Monika Chavez this Friday, 10/28 at…Continue Reading News Bytes Weekly | Issue 6

News Bytes Weekly | Issue 5

WHAT’S INSIDE THIS ISSUE?  Accreditation Forum: Distance Learning & RSI  New Accessibility Tool in Canvas! Alternative Formats  Easier Access to Canvas Support  Discussion Alternative: Perusall + OpenStax Texts  Blog Spotlight: Pope Tech – Expand your Accessibility Arsenal  Appointments for Instructional Design Help  In Case You Missed It  1. ACCREDITATION FORUM: DISTANCE LEARNING & RSI  Join…Continue Reading News Bytes Weekly | Issue 5

News Bytes Weekly | Issue 4

WHAT’S INSIDE THIS ISSUE?  Find out Fridays! OER Workshop 10/14  DEI Workgroup Opportunity  FCLT News Bytes Blog  Blog Spotlight: Want Students to Watch Your Videos?  Appointments for Instructional Design Help  In Case You Missed It …Continue Reading News Bytes Weekly | Issue 4

News Bytes Weekly | Issue 3

WHAT’S INSIDE THIS ISSUE?  Find out Fridays! FCLT & LIEAL Workshops  DEI Workgroup Opportunity  Student Chromebook Users  Appointments for Instructional Design Help  Tech for Student Support  In Case You Missed It  1. FIND OUT FRIDAYS!  By Katie Datko  The FCLT and the Library Initiative for Equitable and Affordable Learning (LIEAL) will have a series of…Continue Reading News Bytes Weekly | Issue 3

Equity Resources: Teaching from the ‘HIPS’ (High Impact Practices)

It can be a challenge to think of specific things we can do using educational technology to ensure success for our impacted students as well as Gen Z. High-Impact Practices (HIPS) are tried and true means for engagement that can push the needle forward for student achievement. Here are just a few resources that can…Continue Reading Equity Resources: Teaching from the ‘HIPS’ (High Impact Practices)

Creating Collaborative Moments that Engage Students

three student groups collaborating

This week’s blog post talks about the value of creating moments of collaboration between students through short, formative activities. Get some ideas for simple ways to add interactivity that can get students engaged with one another and with your course content!…Continue Reading Creating Collaborative Moments that Engage Students

Authentic Assessments: Blogs

woman of color. smiling typing on laptop

New Blog Series I’m excited to introduce to you a new FCLT News Bytes series on authentic assessments! Each post in this series will delve into a different type of authentic assessment. Katie’s post last week, Teaching & Learning Experts @ the FCLT, touched on authentic assessments as a strategy for reducing cheating, but authentic…Continue Reading Authentic Assessments: Blogs

Wrapping up Fall 2021 and Looking Ahead to 2022

emoji checkboxes in smiley green with a checkmark, neutral yellow, and frowning red

Finals are just around the corner and the Winter Break and New Year are on the horizon. As you wrap up the term, you may want to consider offering students an opportunity to provide feedback about specific or general aspects of their course experience this term. This feedback is not a part of an official…Continue Reading Wrapping up Fall 2021 and Looking Ahead to 2022

Pope Tech: Expand Your Accessibility Arsenal

popetech powered by wave

Accessibility is important to us here at Mt. SAC. Our local technology and support units are always looking to implement useful methods, or simple-to-use tools and that help with the task of ensuring our content is accessible to our audience. This week we rolled out the latest installment on the list of accessibility tools available…Continue Reading Pope Tech: Expand Your Accessibility Arsenal

Want Students To Watch Your Videos?

Kona Jones presenting virtually

At InstructureCon 2021 , I attended Kona Jones’s session, How to Get Students to Watch Your Videos. I’m a big fan of Kona’s. She is Director of the Teaching & Learning Center at Richland Community College in Decatur, IL, adjunct professor of Statistics and formerly of Developmental Psychology, and a Canvas Community Coach. I’ve attended her…Continue Reading Want Students To Watch Your Videos?