slightly open laptop emitting colorful light

Rubrics in Canvas: The Why & How

Are you using rubrics in your Canvas course? If so, are you confident that your course rubrics are written effectively? If you answered “No” to either of these questions, this post is a must-read. I will cover both the pedagogical why and how of using course rubrics in Canvas as well as the technical how-to…Continue Reading Rubrics in Canvas: The Why & How

The Canvas Finish Line: Grading Tips for the End of Term

Tips for Using the Canvas Gradebook As the term comes to an end, this post offers a few reminders and tips for using the Canvas grading tools to support you and represent information correctly to students. Final grades are not submitted via Canvas. Professors must hand in Grades using Banner/the portal. Viewing and Entering Grades…Continue Reading The Canvas Finish Line: Grading Tips for the End of Term